Arunothai neighbors fix flooding problem Pattaya City Hall didn’t

Amnuay Muangthong, vice president of the Soi Arunothai Community, shows the result of residents again putting their hands in their pockets to resolve flooding problems.
Amnuay Muangthong, vice president of the Soi Arunothai Community, shows the result of residents again putting their hands in their pockets to resolve flooding problems.

Central Pattaya residents again put their hands in their pockets to resolve flooding problems unresolved by the city’s spending of nearly 3 million baht on a sewer project.

Amnuay Muangthong, vice president of the Soi Arunothai Community, said Pattaya spent 1.9 million baht to rebuild sois Charoensuk and Udomsuk and lay new drainage pipes to resolve chronic flooding.

The construction finished in January but the flooding didn’t.
Drains installed at each end of Soi Arunothai are too small, sending water shooting down the small sidestreets, just as it did before.

In May, 10 furious families, who already put up with damaging floods and months of roadwork disruptions, banded together and bought four cubic meters of readymade concrete to create “water bumps” at the mouths of their streets to block most water from coming down their sois.
On July 16, 10 more families did the same on Soi Udomsuk.