HHN teaches migrant children Thai, hygiene

Drop-In Center outreach chief Thitiporn Saknarong uses the “chicken dance” and “baby shark” songs to teach migrant children Thai vocabulary and good hygiene.
Drop-In Center outreach chief Thitiporn Saknarong uses the “chicken dance” and “baby shark” songs to teach migrant children Thai vocabulary and good hygiene.

The Human Help Network Thailand taught migrant children Thai and good hygiene at a stop at the Mitkamol construction worker camp.

Drop-In Center outreach chief Thitiporn Saknarong led the July 12 trip, which wrapped learning in fun and games, such as kids dancing to the “chicken dance” and “baby shark” songs while also learning new vocabulary.

Kids were taught the Thai words for various fruits and then played a game matching photos of the fruit with the Thai-script words.

Lastly, they were shown the seven steps to proper hand-washing before getting snacks.

Kids were taught the Thai words for various fruits...
Kids were taught the Thai words for various fruits…
... then played a game matching photos of the fruit with the Thai-script words.
… then played a game matching photos of the fruit with the Thai-script words.
The kids colored in the drawings to help them remember.
The kids colored in the drawings to help them remember.