Pattaya gives Vegetarian Festival food clean bill of health

Consumer protection chief Buppa Songsakulchai and her team spread out across the Alms Cafeteria at the Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation to inspect the kitchen and food stands at the Vegetarian Festival to reassure diners that the food was clean, safe and healthy.
Consumer protection chief Buppa Songsakulchai and her team spread out across the Alms Cafeteria at the Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation to inspect the kitchen and food stands at the Vegetarian Festival to reassure diners that the food was clean, safe and healthy.

City public-health officers inspected the kitchen and food stands at the Pattaya Vegetarian Festival to reassure diners that the food was clean, safe and healthy.

Consumer protection chief Buppa Songsakulchai and her team spread out across the Alms Cafeteria at the Sawang Boriboon Thammasathan Foundation Oct. 10, two days after the festival began. The cafeteria served three free vegetarian meals a day through Oct. 18.

The foundation’s head chef showed the inspectors all food-preparation steps and the final dishes, samples of which were taken for testing. Samples also were taken from surrounding food booths.

The cafeteria and all food was found to meet standards.

Inspectors checked a dozen different facets of food preparation, storage and serving, including whether cleaning supplies were kept away from food, all cooked food was covered to keep insects away, food additives were FDA approved, drinking water, beverages and ice were clean, containers and utensils were clean and stored correctly and that servers were adequately covered.

The food stalls that passed inspection were given certificates.