Special Report: HLG Meeting on Education for All


In advanced societies, education is the foundation for development. There is no doubt to say that education is extremely important and has always been given priority by authorities in a bid to create valuable human resources, as well as wipeout such problems as poverty. 

Education can significantly reduce poverty. About 171 million people in low-income earning countries who have basic reading skills could reportedly be out of poverty status. Additionally, education could contribute to higher earnings of people benefiting economic growth or Gross Domestic Product (GDP) expansion of a country.

In response to the world’s education development support, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has showed a global commitment to provide quality basic education for all children, youth and adults, called Education for All (EFA) campaign with 164 participants worldwide. Moreover, there are six main goals that must be achieved by 2015, comprising early childhood care and education, universal primary education, life skills and lifelong learning, literacy, gender parity and equality, and quality education.

In order to meet the six aforementioned targets, UNESCO has launched an annual meeting entitled “High-Level Group Meeting on EFA”, the tenth of its kind this year. The first such conference was launched in Jomtien, Thailand in March 1990 and once again Thailand is going to be the host of the tenth conference. The event is scheduled to take place at Royal Cliff Beach Resorts in the eastern province of Chon Buri from 23 to 25 March 2011.

Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn will graciously preside over the opening ceremony of the 10th High-Level Group Meeting on EFA on 23 March 2011 while six presidents from other member countries and participants from 40 countries worldwide are expected to join the international educational conference.

Education is a primary solution to many problems and is a promising guarantee towards a better life and future development. The year 2015 is no longer far away, and many countries are pressing ahead with their operation in order to achieve the EFA target, making it the real education for everyone.