Lipstick on the collar


Dear Hillary,

My husband who works for a large multinational was transferred here 6 months ago, and the time has been sheer bliss till recently. We went to restaurants and did everything together. However, of late he has been going to Bangkok for business and having meetings running till late in the evening. I was prepared to accept these meetings till last week when the maid showed me lipstick on his collar. I do understand there are some beautiful women in Pattaya and I am 58 years old and have had 9 children. Do I confront him and fear the worst or just let it go?


Dear Terri,

You are still in residence as lady of the manor so maybe it is a matter of waiting it out. However, you should understand that a beer at the bar has young Thai women on duty to convince older men to buy them a drink. It may be more productive to state mildly that you prefer you both spend more time together and that the maid was unable to get the lipstick off his shirt. Certainly insist on accompanying him on any business trips to Bangkok. Good luck.