Bhutanese judge visits Child Development and Welfare Centre


Bhutanese judge Pema Needup (4th left) was a special guest of Supakorn Noja (top far right), director of the Child Development and Welfare Centre and Sopin Thappajug (7th left), MD of the Diana Group and staunch supporter of children’s rights during his visit to the centre on a study tour recently. He was accompanied by Sudarat Sereewat, secretary-general of the Coalition to Fight Against Child Exploitation (FACE) Foundation.

Bhutanese judge Pema Needup (4th left) was a special guest of Supakorn Noja (top far right), director of the Child Development and Welfare Centre and Sopin Thappajug (7th left), MD of the Diana Group and staunch supporter of children’s rights during his visit to the centre on a study tour recently. He was accompanied by Sudarat Sereewat, secretary-general of the Coalition to Fight Against Child Exploitation (FACE) Foundation.