The idiot award for 2018


Dear Hillary,

I’m another of those stupid farangs. There was one girl that I was a regular with in one of the bars in Nana Plaza. I liked her a lot and I thought she liked me too, but I didn’t want her to stay with me. Overnight was fine and I thought we had built up a good relationship. She knew what I wanted, so it went on for a few months. Then about a year ago she asked me for some money as she had some problems with her grandmother, so I gave her 40,000 baht. She promised to repay me within six months. Well it’s now a year and she certainly hasn’t repaid anything, she’s shifted to another bar somewhere and in Bangkok I could spend the next year going from one to another and still not cover them all. I realize that I’ve been stupid, but I just wanted to let everyone else know to not be stupid either. Please do not use my real name, as I am happily married.


Dear Stupid,

I have just called you what you called yourself, so forgive me if it looks insulting. However, you have got yourself into this pickle by being very selfish, Petal. You happily admit “she knew what I wanted”, but you did not find out what she might have wanted, did you? You were happy enough to carry on with a relationship that could have no future, as you are already “happily married”, so what did you expect was going to happen? You wanted casual sex, and you got it. What you did not ascertain was that she wanted money – and she got it! Kiss the 40,000 baht goodbye and be thankful you didn’t have to kiss your marriage goodbye as well.