There are many benefits to detoxification

Dr. Kamal Singh describes the symptoms that should alert you to the need for detoxification of your body.
Dr. Kamal Singh describes the symptoms that should alert you to the need for detoxification of your body.

Dr. Kamaljit (Kamal) Singh who practices holistic medicine was the guest speaker at the April 29 meeting of the Pattaya City Expats Club (PCEC).  Dr. Kamal started his presentation by highlighting some of the hazardous substances we are faced with in the modern world e.g. pesticides, toxins, smoke, smog, debris. He also highlighted how our lifestyle affects our bodies e.g. lack of sleep and rest. Our bodies react with skin markings, body odor, bad breath, liver problems, kidney problems etc.

He explained that Detoxification is a process of eliminating poisonous or waste substances (toxins) from the body; or to neutralize their adverse effects. Detoxification is what your body does naturally to neutralize, transform or get rid of unwanted materials or toxins. It is a primary function, constantly working and interacting with all other functions. It is about improving and optimizing the function of the body’s own detoxification systems i.e. decreasing the number of toxins while at the same time supporting the body’s elimination systems with the nutrients it needs to function properly. He went on to describe toxins and the warning signs when detoxification is needed,

Member Mike Warner conducts the Open Forum where expats asked questions or made comments about Expat Living in Thailand.
Member Mike Warner conducts the Open Forum where expats asked questions or made comments about Expat Living in Thailand.

Poor lifestyle can stress the body, decrease its ability to detoxify and cause a buildup of toxins. Toxic behavior includes lack of sleep and rest, lack of exercise, stress, poor diet, even not drinking enough water (water is essential for removing toxins from the body).

A toxin is any substance that causes harm when it gets into our body. There are toxic substances all around us. Internal toxins are things that effects the internal toxin level such as everyday medication, use of antacid and long-term use of Tylenol. Internally-generated toxins need to be removed by the body’s natural process of detoxification.  External toxins are in the environment, including environmental pollution, smoke, smog, debris, etc.; heavy metals such as mercury often found in fish; mold inhaled during exposure to improperly ventilated rooms such as bathrooms or basements.

Eventually the body becomes overloaded with toxins, the natural detox mechanisms become sluggish, the immune system and other bodily processes become less effective. This can manifest itself in any number of symptoms from lethargy and skin rash through to chronic illness or death in extreme cases of prolonged intoxication.

Dr. Kamal explained that although anybody can benefit from a detox program, your body will start to send out warning signals when you really need to detox. Some of the symptoms are: skin diseases; respiratory problems; colon problems; and blood and circulatory problems.

He explained that the liver is our main detoxification organ. As unglamorous as it sounds, the liver acts as our garbage disposal system. It is designed to help our body get rid of anything potentially harmful or toxic. The liver should be able to handle detoxification without any help from us, but with today’s lifestyle, eating habits and environmental pollution, we are exposed to more toxins through more avenues than the liver was ever designed to handle.

Dr. Kamal pointed out that there are many benefits to detoxification including: slows aging; reduces body odor; reducing bad breath and tooth decay; improves your skin and hair; cleans out the waste in your Digestive Tract; reduces pain; reduces inflammation; boosts your Immune System; cleans your body of heavy metals; cleans your body of toxins; helps combat Chronic Disease; helps you to lose weight; increases energy; boosts your ability to think; detoxifies the Liver.

He also mentioned Holistic Detox Solutions. Everything we eat affects the health and well-being of our body. Improving our diet can actually improve our health. The foods we eat can have an alkalizing or acidifying effect on the body after digestion. At the end of the presentation Dr. Kamal answered many questions from the audience.

Ren Lexander presents Dr. Kamal Singh the PCEC’s Certificate of Appreciation for his informative talk.
Ren Lexander presents Dr. Kamal Singh the PCEC’s Certificate of Appreciation for his informative talk.

MC Ren Lexander then brought everyone up to date on current events. This was followed by the “Open Forum” portion of the meeting, where questions are asked and answered and comments made about expat living in Thailand. For more information on the Club and their activities, visit