The Duck Test again


Dear Hillary,

I hear that one of your readers wants to apply the British Standard (BS) Duck Test to all women. “If a bird looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.” He must have really lost a lot to be so bitter. All women are not the same. Thai women are not the same as western ones and bar girls are a different species altogether. He should stop feeling sorry for himself and get out and enjoy the company of the ladies in the bars. That’s what they’re there for. You don’t have to buy the entire library when you want to read a book.

Jim from Oz

Dear Jim from Oz,

Despite the 50 percent divorce rate in many countries, including Australia, all women are very obviously not the same. I’m not like that for one. Despite the writer’s pessimism, his 0.01 percent still works out as 1,000 women, even in Australia. I agree that if you want a ‘good time’, the good time girls are there to give it to you. A girl for the good times in life, is not a girl who is good for life times. It should also be understood that a beer bar is not an outside office for a marriage agency. I have said in this column many times that you don’t go into a hardware shop if you are looking for a piece of cheese.