Maddox & Waite – the king pair


The Billabong Bar Golf Group

Wednesday, Jan. 2, Green Valley – Stableford

Down to our regular day out at Green Valley and it was a dreadfully slow round of golf, 5 hours, which doesn’t do much for golfers who like to keep moving.  Anyway, the course was in great shape as usual.

Welcome to Richard Holmes playing with us for the first time as was Ian Wilson straight from Scotland, here for the first time in Thailand, and to Paul Sharples and Mike Gosden.

The only 2 of the day went to the aforementioned Mike Gosden also well done as you were playing with Desmond the two’s specialist Tutu, alias Paul Sharples.

The scores today apart from three really good ones were very ordinary.  It was great to see Chris Dodd hitting his straps as he has had a bad run of recent times and his handicap has been going in the wrong direction but we knew you could do it mate.

We had 2 division’s today 0 to 15 and 16 plus.  The winner in the latter division was Richard Holmes with 38 points on a count back over Chris Dodd – a couple of great scores fellas, especially around Green Valley as it’s not often this place lets the prisoner get away.  In third was Greig Ritchie with 33 points.

Division one the winner was Martin Hayes with 37 points and coming second was Mike Gosden with 33 points, one ahead of John Ryves in third.

Friday, Jan. 4, The Emerald – Stableford

We played at Emerald today and it was absolute bedlam when we arrived – a very big thank you to Candy for her organising skills as without her it would have been unfixable.  The girl taking the money just kept saying no carts and even though we told her there were 10 carts booked it was like talking to a brick wall, however I will repeat what was said before, the management does not want to let Candy go she is their best asset.

We played a 2-man scramble or 2-person scramble I should say as Karen Craigie played with her partner Allan Beck.  It was a great fun day out for all and we will probably play this format once a month from now on by popular request.

Brian Maddox and Phil Waite conquered the course with a fantastic 59.8 including an eagle on the last hole.  Second were Bill Marsden and Darl White with 64.8 and in third came Karen Craigie and Allan Beck with 65, their card started with 3,3,3, then 5 then 3 again, what a start.  Fourth place was occupied by the team of Graham Beaumont and Jeff North with 68.6, narrowly edging their playing partners Richard Steadman and Chris Dodd, with 68.8.

All in all a great day out and thanks once again to Candy, without her we would have gone to the Navy.

Note:  The Billabong Golf Bar is situated just off Siam Country Road looking straight down the lake.  Call in for a ‘coldy’ or ring Bob on 082 204 3411.