Leaning utility pole replaced on Soi Buakhao

PEA workers removed and replaced the tilted pole in front of the Tree Town Market, but apparently not the massive tangle of wires that caused the problem in the first place.
PEA workers removed and replaced the tilted pole in front of the Tree Town Market, but apparently not the massive tangle of wires that caused the problem in the first place.

Soi Buakhao’s landmark leaning power pole is no more.

Following a Pattaya Mail story last month, the Provincial Electricity Authority removed and replaced the tilted pole in front of the Tree Town Market.

Locals said the pole had been leaning perilously for a decade. But despite its longtime, worrisome condition, neither the PEA or any utility company or government agency has seen fit to fix it. Put it the spotlight, the utility got on the job.

The eight-meter pole was replaced by a taller, thicker version to support the massive tangle of electricity and communications lines on it and prevent tall trucks from snagging the lines, as was not uncommon before.