PILC elects 2011 committee


On Tuesday, February 1, 2011, the Pattaya International Ladies Club held their AGM lunch at the Hilton Hotel Pattaya. During the meeting, a new committee was elected for the 2011-2012 year.

New President Bea Grunwell was introduced by the Election Committee Chairman Mrs. Angela Poustie to over 100 ladies present.

Pattaya International Ladies Club’s 2011-2012 committee. Pattaya International Ladies Club’s 2011-2012 committee.

Further positions include Anja Schoof and Ann Winfield as Vice Presidents, Laure Close Treasurer, Gillian Thom Welfare, Alvi Sinthuvanik Hospitality, Denise Bowles Newsletter, Sandra Schonherr Special Events, Peggy Wragge Trips an Activities, and Eva Johnson Secretary.

The plans are getting in place to welcome many new members to PILC, have a fun year and in the meantime raise money for local charitable projects.

The ladies were treated to a superb buffet lunch and our thanks go to the Hilton and their team.