Miller blazes to 42 points


Phoenix Tuesday/Friday Golf Group

Another perfect day in paradise at Phoenix Golf Club: the course is getting better every week and although the greens are still a little slow, they are very true and when you get used to the speed you can putt with great confidence.

Joe Miller showed us all the way this week with a fantastic score of 76 gross off handicap 10 (not now though) to record 42 points.  A not so close second was Richard Baldwin with 36 points, who just edged out Bob Neylon on count back into third place.  A few others who scored a respectable 35 points were just any others.

The top two, Joe Miller and Richard Baldwin, standing rear, pose with the staff at the Relax Bar. The top two, Joe Miller and Richard Baldwin, standing rear, pose with the staff at the Relax Bar.

Bill Hewitt scooped the Near Pins today, winning both that were set up.  Sadly he missed both for birdies.

Back at the Relax Bar our hosts donated the lucky draw prizes which went to Joris Goetshalkx, Bob Neylon and Sergio Volpi.

Note:  We play every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday and anyone who has an official handicap of no more than 28 is welcome.  Call me (Mike) on 087 091 7565.