City workers busy repairing minor road problems


A rash of complaints has prompted city officials to send out repair crews around the city to fix niggling problems such as broken drain covers, drainage and electrical pipes, and to clean garbage out of the drainage system.

To show off the work his department is doing, Virat Jirasripaitoon, director of the city’s Sanitation Department, led officials and members of the media out to the Central Road – 3rd Road intersection Feb. 15 where workers were busy repairing a drainage cover.

City workers repair damaged drainage pipes and grates at the intersection of Central Road with 3rd Road. City workers repair damaged drainage pipes and grates at the intersection of Central Road with 3rd Road.

The drainage cover had been damaged for some time, becoming hazardous to vehicles.  The city had flagged the site with traffic cones and a fence, but apparently it took numerous complaints before a crew was sent out to make permanent repairs, which they were able to do in about a week.

Crews had also been sent to Jomtien Soi 19 to clean out garbage clogged drains.  However, just 2 days later, the drains remained clogged.  One of the complainants wrote that since this system is connected to the larger system draining part of the rest of Pattaya, many branches, roots and garbage is still clogging the system, and that if it isn’t more thoroughly cleaned out before the rainy season, no doubt the entire area will once again suffer flooding.

City officials encourage anyone seeing any of these types of problems to contact the call center at 1337.