Hiskett makes a comeback


PSC golf from Mulligans Lakeside

Tuesday, Jan. 4, The Emerald – Stableford

Tuesday was the group’s first venture out of the New Year, and so it was to The Emerald we travelled, full of resolutions and ambition.

After an absence following a back injury (don’t know from what) and a splash of other venues, Graham Hiskett (H/cap 16) had a return of the form today, something of which we know he is capable, with a solid 38 points and was 3 clear of the consistent Jeff Wylie (6), while Frans Olgers (22) scored 34 points to just edge Kurt-Erik Persson (23) who had 32 points for third.

Graham Hiskett, all smiles after his win at Emerald. Graham Hiskett, all smiles after his win at Emerald.

The course was in good condition, providing a fair test for all involved.  Near Pins were picked up by Ian and Jeff, while Frans showed some good form with 2.

Thursday, Jan 6, Treasure Hill – Stableford

Thursday saw a small group travel to Treasure Hill, a change of venue from “as advertised” due to a drop off in the day’s numbers.  Those involved decided on the challenge of the course, rather than the swindle competition and opted for the Black tees; suffice to say “the course won!”

Note: Mulligans Lakeside plays golf generally on Tuesday & Thursday (we sometimes change to accommodate a Thai Holiday).  Presentations are made at the course on Tuesday, with Mulligans Lakeside hosting the Thursday presentation.  For more details on scheduling etc, please call 089 094 1841 or 081 935 8088.  Hope to see you there, Cheers & Good Golfing!