HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Money matters

Snap Shots

Modern Medicine

Heart to Heart with Hillary

Let’s go to the movies

Money matters:   John Sheehan Global Markets Asia

The inevitable demise of Western Democratic Capitalism? Part 2

Government ineffectiveness demonstrated in numbers

The 2008 crash, that government neither understood nor thought ever likely to occur, generates its own compelling statistics. Equity markets lost US$26 trillion. Real estate markets, US$30 trillion so far, and are still falling. Structured securities US$5 trillion according to the newly elected US President until the spin machine gagged him! Add it all together and US$60 trillion slipped through the net in a year - that is in excess of World GDP, 4 years of the US economy and somewhere between 15 and 20 years of the Chinese economy, all completely missed and deemed impossible by Government!

Who is responsible for this carnage? Government of course! What sensible entity would cure a bubble by creating another one? In this case, replacing the and TMT bubble of the ‘90s (which followed the big bang boom of the ‘80s) with a housing bubble, and in doing so, demonstrating a clear misunderstanding of macroeconomic interest rate policy!

The media is littered with quotes from government which at first seemed amusing, but upon further reflection give an ominously alarmist indication of government incompetence. Quotes like, “The unlikelihood of there ever being a nationwide US housing crash!” That, “In spite of the sub-prime crash market fundamentals were solid, and sub-prime was just a minor blip.” Perhaps most worrying from the man now charged with leading the US out of recession; “That sub-prime would be contained and might end up costing the taxpayer as much as UD$100 billion!”

Recently described as a “moral hazard” at a Senate Committee Hearing, Bernanke’s best solution to the current problem seems to be to repeat the Greenspan misjudgement and generate a new asset bubble of sufficient capacity to return the economy to growth!

Bernanke’s recovery tactics have centred on boosting the money supply in an effort to avoid similar policy mistakes made by the Fed that contributed to the Great Depression. Like his predecessors 70 years previously he is now learning that it is relatively easy to inject the money into the system, but a much tougher challenge to make it circulate freely and boost the economy! Worryingly, he increasingly resembles an isolated academic rather than the streetwise man of action critical to creating genuine confidence that is capable of kick-starting a real and sustainable recovery.

In response to Milton Friedman’s criticism of the Fed’s mistakes during the Great Depression, Bernanke stated in 2002: “As an official representative of the Federal Reserve, I would like to say to Milton: Regarding the Great Depression, ‘you’re right, we did it. We’re very sorry. But thanks to you, we won’t do it again.’” As he is seemingly such a loyal follower of the Friedman monetarist policies that have become so discredited in recent years, let’s hope that these words do not return to haunt him in the future!

How Governments fix the numbers

Number massaging has been used by governments since the dawn of politics to paint a rosy picture, especially in the run-up to elections. The three main areas where governments may seek to fraudulently improve their perceived performance are unemployment numbers, GDP and consumer price indexes. If one takes the US official unemployment rate as an example, which is currently running at 10.2%: add back into the numbers the professionally unemployed sector, which was removed in 1994 and short term discouraged workers and the unemployment rate doubles to 22%! That means that within the working age population one out of every five people are being subsidized by the other four!

Another example is calculation of GDP numbers. GDP numbers are generally optimistic because they include government spending but do not subtract government borrowing to fund the spending. There are three main ways to calculate GDP: 1) the expenditure method, 2) the income method, and 3) the value-added method. Theoretically all three methods should produce the same result, but as we have seen recently with the torrent of stimulus packages from governments all around the world GDP “growth” registers most prominently in the expenditure method. Manipulation in this manner has, for example, enabled the Australian government to claim that it has avoided entering recession in 2009. Obvious adjustment is clearly evident within the Consumer Price Index when the method of calculation was changed during the Clinton administration to give a better picture of the numbers.

Blatant withholding of information by Government has recently come to light as a result of Bloomberg suing the Fed under the Freedom of Information Act. On November 7th 2009 Bloomberg commenced an action in response to the Fed refusing to release information regarding commercial bank lending. It is likely that if this information were released it would show the truth behind lending performance which would likely have an adverse effect upon markets and expose a fundamental constituent of Government’s stimulus programmes as failing.

In addition to this, the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee also brought out a suit against the Fed in December 2009 seeking a court order for release of the central bank’s records on intervention in the gold market undertaken in order to manipulate the metal’s market price!

To be continued…

The above data and research was compiled from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither MBMG International Ltd nor its officers can accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the above article nor bear any responsibility for any losses achieved as a result of any actions taken or not taken as a consequence of reading the above article. For more information please contact Graham Macdonald on [email protected]

Snap Shots: by Harry Flashman

Inspiration and your favorite photographer

Do you have you a favorite photographer? No? Well, you should! Everyone should have a photographer whose work stimulates you to greater heights. For me, I have many whose work I enjoy - Norman Parkinson, Helmut Newton and Jeff Dunas all rate high, but one photographer who inspires me not only with his images, but also with his words, is Larry Dale Gordon.

I have many photographic books in my personal library including the irreplaceable “Shooting your way to a million dollars” by Richard Sharabura, Al Satterwhite and Michael Busselle. However Larry Dale Gordon has his own special magic.

Now when I say that your favorite photographer’s work should inspire you, that does not mean that you should rush out and slavishly copy their work. Don’t laugh, I have seen it done so many times in camera club level photographers who have been most upset when I mark them down for copying, rather than being creative.

When I say “inspire” I mean that you look at the work and say to yourself, “How did he/she do that?” You should look at the end result and work out how you can use that technique, to produce your own shot. Half the fun in photography is working out “how to” with the other half being the enjoyment of looking at the final image.

So why does Larry Dale Gordon inspire me? There are many reasons. First off, he is a self trained photographer who believes that the way to learn is to do it. Let me quote you from one of his books: “I learned photography through experience; by putting film through the camera, peering through the lenses, trial and error, and pondering every facet of light. It’s the only way. If you think there is another way, or a faster way, write a book telling how and you will make considerably more money than by being a photographer.” These are very wise words. Cut them out and stick them on your bathroom mirror and read them every day! In fact, a renowned Thai photographer, Tom Chuawiwat, used to tell me that professional photography was the only job where the client paid you to learn!

I’ve tried to see just what it is about Larry Dale Gordon’s pictures that appeal so much to me and I’ve come up with two basic concepts. Simplicity and Color.

Look at the photograph I have used to illustrate this week’s article. A classic, showing simplicity and color by a Colin Glanfield. The couple running up the beach, silhouetted against the water and the sand in the background. Unfortunately, this newspaper is a black and white medium, so just imagine, if you will, what that shot looks like with the water a golden orange with the black shadows and silhouette. It is a simple, uncluttered shot with only one color in it. It is classic and timeless and there is absolutely nothing to detract (or distract) from the couple in the photograph.

Now before you rip out with two friends at sunset and try and duplicate this shot, read the second paragraph again! Let’s not make slavish copies! But instead, let’s look at how we can accomplish the effect of a monochromatic picture and silhouette. This can actually be done any time of day, but to make it easier for you, pick your favorite beach or riverside at a time when the sun can be behind your subject - be that people or things. Now you need a tricky filter, called a “tobacco” filter. On that bright sunny day, with the light behind your subject(s) hold this brown/orange filter over the lens and pop the shutter. Stick it on Auto if you will, the camera will do the rest. Even experiment with different colors to get strangely wonderful or weirdly dreadful results.

The only point to really remember is to get the light behind the subject. You will be able to get this “pseudo sunset” look any time after three in the afternoon. Try it and amaze your friends with a classic silhouette - and if you don’t tell them about Colin Glanfield, I won’t!

Modern Medicine: by Dr. Iain Corness, Consultant

How’s your (sickness) insurance?

I was talking to the Scandinavian Expats Club and mentioned the check-up packages offered by the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. I advised them to seriously consider an annual check-up. In my humble (medical) opinion, the advantages of finding medical problems at an early stage far outweigh not knowing.

For example, correcting hypertension at an early stage makes medical sense. You must agree that correcting hypertension is better than brain surgery and intensive care after a stroke caused by high blood pressure, never mind pain and suffering and living the rest of your life as a tomato or an even less colorful vegetable!

Likewise, correction of high blood sugar today beats having your leg surgically removed because of diabetic problems in 20 years time!

However, Peter Smith from AA Insurance Brokers brought out an interesting situation, which could be vitally important for someone finding they have a chronic problem. If you have your check-up and find that you have high blood pressure, and then go and take out insurance, it is too late. You “know” about your blood pressure problem at the time of applying for the insurance, so it becomes a ‘pre-existing condition’ and your insurer is within its rights to refuse to pay for the further treatment of your blood pressure, or for any other conditions caused by high blood pressure. Including the stroke.

The simple answer is to make sure your insurance policies are in place before having the annual check-up. In fact, I strongly advise everyone to take out medical insurance. You do not know what is round the next corner. It could be a motorcycle coming the wrong way up a one way street. Even I have insurance, and I work in the hospital, so I don’t really need it - but I can also be run over in Bangkok, Chiang Mai or Nakhon Nowhere!

So back to check-ups. Many people work on the principle that they would rather not know about any underlying or sinister medical conditions they may have. After all, we are all going to die one day, aren’t we? I have always said that despite all the advances in medical science, the death rate will always be the same – one per person!

However, check-ups are inherently involved in that important feature called the Quality of Life. Longevity alone, with no quality, just isn’t worth it in my book.

The guiding principle behind check-ups is to find deviations from normal health patterns at an early stage. Early enough that the trend can be reversed, before damage has occurred. Examples of this include blood pressure (BP) increase which is generally symptomless, and blood sugar. It requires sky-high sugar levels before the person begins to feel that something might be wrong. And by then the sugar levels have affected vision, the vascular system and many other systems, all of which can decrease your quality of life in the future.

Respiratory conditions also rate high on the list of medical events that can decrease your quality of life. Yet the majority of these can be found early, and treated successfully.

Cardiac conditions and abnormalities, be that in anatomy or function, can also very adversely affect your quality of life, but are very easily found during a routine check-up. Various blood tests and an EKG can show just how well the cardiac pump is functioning, and how well it will continue to function in the future. The inability to walk more than 50 meters certainly takes the fun out of shopping, yet this can be predicted - if you have some serial records!

Another of the silent killers can be discovered in your lipid profile, with Cholesterol and its fractions HDL and LDL being intimately connected with your cardiac status. Again a situation where detecting abnormalities now can mean that you can get through the deadly 50-60 year age bracket in the future with clear coronary arteries and a clean bill of health.

Renal (kidney) function and liver function can also be monitored through an annual check-up, as can prostate size (indicated by the PSA blood test) or breast tumors (by mammogram).

Take my tip, make sure you have insurance and then get your check-up. But do it quickly! That makes good sense.

Heart to Heart with Hillary

Dear Hillary,

You do seem to cop some stick from all the “thinkers” out there who believe in Santa Claus and sick buffaloes as being facts. One chap hit it right on the head when he wrote that you’ll always have a job as there are so many mindless males visiting Thailand. Just ignore the idiots out there, old girl, we all love you. Keep up the good work.

Dear Max,
Thank you for the morale booster, even if what you call “the idiots out there” really need ‘moral’ boosters. If they thought with the big head, rather than the small one, if you understand my shorthand, then there wouldn’t be so many men wondering where their nest eggs went to. However, Petal, it is my duty to try and look after these poor souls, a task I voluntarily undertook after seeing the plight of several of these buffaloes and brothers with broken legs from motorcycle accidents. You have to feel sorry for them, Max. You really do, but please, if you contact me in the future a little less of the “old girl”.

Dear Hillary,
I have just recently come to live in Pattaya with my husband on a two year overseas posting. Normally back home I like to be fairly independent and drive myself everywhere, but I am a little afraid of the traffic here. My husband’s company supplies a driver, but I don’t like to think of him sitting around in the heat while I do my shopping. Do you think it is safe enough for Western women to drive here and at night too? My husband says I shouldn’t bother and it doesn’t matter, that’s what the driver’s there for. What do you think?

Dear Timid Theresa,
Your husband is right. If you have a driver be eternally grateful. Thai drivers really do not mind waiting. One of the bonuses of being a driver is that they get paid to sleep while they wait, in air-conditioned comfort too. Yes it is completely safe to drive around Pattaya both day and night compared to Bangkok traffic which is chaotic and not so much fun. Though, as your husband says, why bother to drive if you have a driver? That is what he is there for. If you are concerned about your independence or the driver being suddenly unavailable, then practise driving here so there’s never a problem.

Dear Hillary,
There has been a crackdown recently about copy goods - shirts, CD’s and watches and the like. Why is this? Everyone knows that you go to Asia and buy real bargains. I always bring back three or four watches for the girl friends and a couple of footy shirts for the blokes. What’s wrong with this? If I can’t get the stuff in Thailand, do you know where I can get them? I’m coming over in a couple of weeks, so if you can let me know early that would be good.

Dear Copycat,
How would you feel if you made some type of special goods and then found that cheap copies were being marketed at half the price you sell them for? Mind you, I think that many of these overseas goods are highly over-priced too. The whole question of copyright is well beyond Hillary’s brain, I’m afraid. I’m just worried about getting ‘copy’ champagne. As to where you can go to get the things you want - the markets still have them I believe, but don’t tell the police. Unless the police are running the market!

Dear Hillary,
Are all Thai girls as forward as the one I met the other night? I was sitting on my own in the bar and I didn’t want to listen to the usual inane chatter that the bar girls carry on with, “Hello sexy man. Where you come from?” that kind of stuff. I started to talk to the service girl and she seemed a nice enough lady, so I bought her a couple of drinks, but then went home. The next day she rolls up at my office with some flowers for me! I was so embarrassed, as all my work mates were laughing, and the girls in the office weren’t all that impressed. I asked one of the girls to find out what she wanted, but all they said was that the lady liked me. What do I do with this? The last thing I need is unwanted visits.
Embarrassed Edward

Dear Embarrassed Edward,
Just how did this girl know where you worked? If she is clairvoyant, then I think you should keep her, my Petal, and cash up on all the winning lottery tickets she will predict for you. But if, on the other had, it was because you gave her your business card, then you have nobody to blame but yourself. If you don’t want to be followed up, don’t hand out your business cards. Of course you can always use someone else’s card, but I didn’t tell you that.

Let’s go to the movies: by Mark Gernpy

Now playing in Pattaya

Nak Prok / Shadow of the Naga: Thai, Action/ Drama — A long-shelved monks-with-guns crime drama, it’s the story of three thieves who bury their loot on the grounds of a Buddhist monastery, and when they come back later to dig it up, they find a temple has been built on the spot. So they ordain as Buddhist monks while they figure out how to get their treasure. The film actually premiered at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival, but its strong depictions of the thieves robed as Buddhist monks have kept it out of Thai theaters until now.

Alice in Wonderland (3D): US, Adventure/ Family/ Fantasy – This is not your usual Alice, and it would be more truthful to call is something like “Alice Returns to Wonderland”, because it’s a new story, a riff on the original, with Alice all grown up as a late teens girl about to be proposed to. In the middle of the proposal by the world’s biggest drip, she spies the white rabbit, who seems to summon her. Happy for any excuse to dodge her awful fate, she tells the huge garden party to wait a minute, and she returns to the rabbit hole and falls down it once again to find Wonderland even more frightening than before, in the hands of a cruel despot who is making life miserable for everybody. Alice is charged with ending the evil and bringing things back to what passes for normal in Wonderland.

With Tim Burton, plus this particular Alice (Misa Wasikowska), plus Johnny Depp in another of his way-out-there tragicomic performances, plus 3D – it all adds up to an unforgettable, one-of-a-kind movie experience. Mixed or average reviews. In 3D, and at Pattaya Beach only.

Green Zone: France/ US/ Spain/ UK, Action/ Drama/ Thriller/ War – Discovering covert and faulty intelligence causes a US Army officer to go rogue as he hunts for those elusive “Weapons of Mass Destruction” believed to be stockpiled in the Iraqi desert at the start of the Iraq war. Rocketing from one booby-trapped and treacherous site to the next, the men search for deadly chemical agents but stumble instead upon an elaborate cover-up.

Starring Matt Damon, directed by Paul Greengrass (The Bourne Supremacy, United 93). Rated R in the US for violence and language, 18+ in Thailand. Big C has only a Thai-dubbed version; in English elsewhere. Generally favorable reviews.

Daybreakers: Australia/ US, Action/ Drama/ Horror/ Sci-Fi/ Thriller – For me, a most excellent and exciting vampire film in the old school. In the year 2019, a plague has transformed most every human into a vampire. Faced with a dwindling blood supply, the dominant race plots their survival; meanwhile, a researcher works with a covert band of vampires on a way to save humankind. But be aware, it’s a true vampire film, and as such is very bloody indeed, with many gory deaths and a slew of decapitations, including close-ups of the severed heads seemingly on the verge of speaking a few final words.

Starring Ethan Hawke, Willem Dafoe, and Sam Neill. Rated R in the US for strong bloody violence, language, and brief nudity; 18+ in Thailand. Big C has only a Thai-dubbed version; in English elsewhere. Mixed or average reviews.

The Book of Eli: US, Action/ Adventure/ Drama/ Thriller/ Western – Not for everyone, but I found it thoroughly engrossing. The story revolves around a lone warrior (Denzel Washington) who must fight to bring society the knowledge that could be the key to survival. Gary Oldman is great as the despot of a small town who’s determined to take possession of the book Eli’s guarding.

Directed by the twin Hughes brothers (Albert and Allen), who inject some fresh stylish fun into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. I think Denzel is terrific! Rated R in the US for some brutal violence and language, 18+ in Thailand. Big C has only a Thai-dubbed version; in English elsewhere. Mixed or average reviews.

Dear John: US, Drama/ Romance/ War – Out of nowhere, Pattaya Beach brings us this rather dull piece. It’s a romantic drama about a soldier who falls for a conservative college student while he’s home on leave. Intensely weepy, if you’re a 12-year-old girl. Starring Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfried, and Henry Thomas. At Pattaya Beach only. Mixed or average reviews.

The Wolfman: UK/ US, Horror/ Thriller – An excellent spare, dark, and brooding gothic version of the famous tale, told with great style and much blood. For those who like straight-up Gothic horror and blood, this is a welcome remake of the 1941 Lon Chaney movie. Starring Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins. Rated R in the US for bloody horror violence and gore; 18+ in Thailand. Mixed or average reviews.

Avatar: US, Action/ Adventure/ Sci-Fi/ Thriller – A very good film and a truly major technological breakthrough. It’s exciting and beautiful, and has received near-universal rave reviews from critics and fans. Only Pattaya Beach is showing it now, at a single midnight showing each day, in 3D. Reviews: Universal acclaim. Not to be missed.

The Little Comedian / Ban Chan: Thai, Family/ Comedy – A family comedy troupe harbors a black sheep – a son who isn’t funny and is constantly upstaged by his filthy-mouthed younger sister. Directed by Witthaya Thongyooyong, one of the directors on the famed Fan Chan. Comedian Jaturong Mokjok plays the father of the clan. In Thai only at Big C; English subtitles elsewhere.

From Paris with Love: France, Action/ Crime/ Thriller – A French intelligence operative partners with a wisecracking, fast-shooting, high-ranking US agent (a bald John Travolta) who’s been sent to Paris to stop a terrorist attack. Stylish, fast-moving, exciting, with a wild performance by Travolta. Rated R in the US for strong bloody violence throughout, drug content, pervasive language, and brief sexuality; 18+ in Thailand. Mixed or average reviews. At Pattaya Beach only.

Who Are You?: Thai, Horror/ Thriller – Typical Thai bloody horror, this one about a mother whose son has withdrawn from social life and locked himself away in his room for five years. Rated 18+ in Thailand.

Kong Phan / Gong-pan: Plot: You’re in the Army now! What fun! It’s been described as a “gays in the military romp.” Studio synopsis: “Jiwon, a young lad, is enlisted to the army where he meets his new and unusual friends.”

Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief: Canada/ US, Fantasy/ Comedy – Zeus’ lightning bolt has been stolen, and high school student Percy Jackson is the prime suspect in this sprawling and entertaining teen adventure. At Pattaya Beach only. Mixed or average reviews.