The Pattaya Players recently held their first social evening at the beautiful home of Mari and Sam Parino. The ‘Mexican Fiesta’ theme was a great success at this exclusive member only party. Chris Parsons provided the fantastic frozen margaritas, while Debbie and Ken Cavanaugh introduced their famous quesadilla dip which was a great success.


Bangkok Hospital Pattaya is proud to provide first aid boxes for the ‘Walking Charity for Children of Lap Land’ to a group of 30 persons from Dublin, Ireland recently held at Aisawan Resort. This generous project was instigated by United Travel Company, organized by Con Murphy who is now one of the travel company’s agents.

Congratulations to the Senior Class of the International School Eastern Seaboard (ISE); pictured here at the end of the graduation Ceremony for the ‘Class of 2008’ held in the Cattaleya Ballroom at the Montien Hotel, Pattaya.

Steve Graham of ESC came to Jameson’s the Irish Pub in Pattaya to give a talk on customer relations and customer and staff safety whilst at work. This was followed by the best bit - everybody having a drink together. The talk was inspired by Jameson’s receiving a copy of the Hythe Review, the Parish Magazine of St. Leonard’s Church, Hythe, Kent, England.

Congratulations to Jeerasak ‘James’ Jeerapat, son of Santi and Somjai Jeerapat, owners of J.P. Villa on achieving his Masters Degree in Information Systems Project Management from George Washington University.

Amari Hotels and Resorts recently opened another new school building, constructed with contributions to their ‘Baht for a Better Life’ charity. The school is in the village of Baan Klong Waai, in Surat Thani province. The 120 students who attend the school are from the ages of 5 to 13 and living in Baan Klong Waai Village and 2 other villages in the neighboring area. The ‘Baht for a Better Life’ charity is funded by small change and donations from guests and staff of Amari Hotels and Resorts, located throughout Thailand.