The Royal Thai Police in Pattaya, Banglamung and Chonburi,
under the direction of Pol. Lt. Gen. Jetnakorn Nabhitabhata, commissioner of
Police Region 2, recently held Hostage Negotiation First Responder Seminars,
designed to enhance public safety in response to life-threatening
situations. Sponsored and conducted in coordination with the U.S. Embassy
Force Protection Detachment, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and
the U.S. Navy League Thailand Chapter. Picture shows (l-r) Charlie Miles,
chief of US Air Force Security FPD Thailand; Scott Bernat, chief of US Naval
Security FPD Thailand; Pol. Col. Nopadol Wongnom, superintendent Pattaya
Police Station; Bobby Brooks; and Ien Fernandez, FPD Thailand Logistics.
Seen recently at the Mori Grill Restaurant of the
Chaophya Park Hotel, Bangkok, were famous Dutch pianist Regina Albrink
(2nd right) and Dutch actor Klaas Hofstra (left), together with Pieter Hoek
(centre), president of the Bangkok Dutch Society. All are friends and guests
of longtime Thailand resident and fellow Dutchman, Cornelia Bik (2nd left).
They were welcomed by the hotel’s GM, Andrew J Wood (right).
Friends and family surprised Peter Malhotra with a small
dinner party at the Orangery By The Sea on Second Road on the
occasion of his (number unknown) birthday last week. (L-r) Sue,
communications director of PMTV, Bruce Hoppe, vice president of Asia
Operations for Emerson Climate Technologies, Judy Hoppe, Jim Phillips, Peter
Malhotra, MD of Pattaya Mail Group and district governor elect for district
3340, Piyawan Phillips and Elfi Seitz, chief editor of Pattaya Blatt. Happy
Boit-Day Peter!
Kevin McQuillan (2nd left), Qantas/British Airways manager
Thailand presents a Bangkok-Australia return ticket to lucky raffle winner
David Osborn (left) at the recent Australian Day Ball organized by AustCham
Thailand at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel, joined by the MCs Raine
Grady (2nd right) and Toby Wilcock (right).
Malcolm Boden (left) of the Charity Club of Pattaya
presents John Richardson of U.T.S. with a certificate of appreciation for
his participation as a Platinum Sponsor at the Charity Club’s Annual Gala
Dinner. John, who always finds a little time in his busy schedule for the
Charity Club, has supported the Charity Club since it started in 2004.