TCI launches call checker mobile application


BANGKOK, 8 September 2011  – The Telecommunications Consumer Protection Institute (TCI) has launched ‘TCI Call Checker’, a new mobile phone application allowing users to analyse their suitable mobile phone usage and appropriate promotion.

According to TCI Director Medical Doctor Prawit Leesatapornwongs, the application is designed to enable consumers to analyse their mobile phone usage and match their lifestyles with special packages offered by mobile phone network operators, including AIS, DTAC and True.

The TCI defended its mobile phone application that it is not launched to attack mobile phone network operators but to suggest consumers to choose their appropriate promotion and check if their mobile phone usage corresponds with what the mobile phone bills say.

At present, the application is in its second development phase as King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang is now developing the application. The third phase of the application will also cover 3G and video call services.

The application can be downloaded from the TCI website and Android Market. As for other operating systems, the application is in the process of development. ‘TCI Call Checker’ now can be used in BlackBerry 5.0, iPhone’s iOS 4 and Android 2.1.