Surat Thani launches crime suppression operations


SURAT THANI, 18 June 2014 – The southern province of Surat Thani has stepped up its crime monitoring and law enforcement operations in a bid to establish peace and order after the nationwide curfew has been lifted.

A team of more than 30 local police, military, and internal security officers were sent out on patrol on six night entertainment spots in the city on late Tuesday night that were prone to violent attacks.

Surat Thani Deputy Governor Prasert Chitmung, the leader of the operations, said that nothing has been amiss during the search. Nonetheless, authorities would continue to monitor security around the area.

The new crime suppression policy has just been implemented after the curfew has been lifted. Mr Prasert said the next step is to set up check points on key roads in a bid to reduce crimes, illegal drugs, and any other violations of the law.