Sky lanterns scare Chiang Mai airport


BANGKOK, 2 January 2015 — More than 200 sky lanterns have landed in the Chiang Mai International Airport, prompting the airport to warn against them. Others have blamed for causing fire at houses in Mueang district.

The airport on Friday reported that 206 sky lanterns ended up in its airside–more than the amount fell there in Yi Peng and Loi Krathong festivals last year–due to a change of wind directions during this period. They could pose serious threat to life if parts of them flew into the engine of an airplane, the airport said.

In Chiang Mai, flights are cancelled during the Loi Krathong festival when people usually launch sky lanterns, but they have their normal schedule on New Year.

The local people’s residences in Mueang district were reportedly caught fire caused by sky lanterns on the New Year’s day.