Prices of consumer goods slightly increase due to hot weather


BANGKOK – According to the Ministry of Commerce, the hot weather has driven up prices of consumer products in the capital.

Commerce Ministry spokesperson Banjongjitt Angsusingh, along with officials from the Department of Internal Trade, paid a visit to shops and stores at Ratchawat Market in Bangkok.

During the inspection, Ms Banjongjitt found that prices of meat, vegetables, and fruits had increased slightly while citing the weather condition as the main cause.

The price of coriander has increased from 50 baht to 70 baht per kilogram. The price of cow peas has risen from 70 baht to 80 baht per kilogram. Chicken is now sold at 70-80 baht per kilogram.

Ms Banjongjitt also examined measuring scales used at the market and urged sellers not to take advantage of their consumers.