Pichit warns public to prepare for chilly weather


PICHIT – The general public in Pichit Province are warned to prepare for the cold weather, the winter season approaches.

The governor of Pichit Chatporn Rajdussadee has notified farmers and the general public in the province’s affected areas to brace for a drop in temperature by 6-8 degree Celsius by 29 November 2015, as forecasted by the Meteorological Department.

The public are also advised to be cautious of common diseases and complications that occur frequently during the cold and windy period, as well as damages to property and agricultural crops. Individuals wishing to set up bonfires for warmth must be extra cautious for fire accidents.

Road users are also encouraged to be more cautious while driving, as dense fog may affect visibility in some areas of the province during the next 4-5 days.

The province’s change in during this period is caused by a strong high pressure from China which covers the upper part of Thailand, causing the temperature in the Northern and Northeastern regions to be chilly, with cold weather expected on mountaintops.