Pattani police inspector shot dead


PATTANI, April 19 – An investigations inspector was killed in the violence-plagued province of Pattani this morning.

Pol Maj Neramit Chooroj, an investigations inspector at Sarong police station in Yarang district was shot dead while driving to work today.

A gunman on a motorcycle followed his car and attacked him.

Witnesses helped send him to hospital but he succumbed to the gunshot wounds.

Meanwhile, in Yala, eight men attacked a military outpost in Bannang Sata district Thursday evening. The two sides exchanged gunfire for about 10 minutes and a private was slightly wounded.

It is believed that the attackers were from the Aba Jeali group, active in Krongpinang and Bannang Sata districts.

The group is thought to have been involved in the bombing at a military bus in Bannang Sata dsitrict earlier this month.