Metro Police kicks off Crime Zero emergency button campaign


BANGKOK, 21 July 2015 – The Metropolitan Police Bureau has launched the Crime Zero campaign with the installation of the emergency call button at oil stations, in an attempt to reduce criminal activity.

The Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Bureau Pol Maj Gen Chantawit Ramasut, along with PPT Plc Senior Executive Vice President of Oil Business Unit Chavalit Punthong, has officiated over the launch of ‘Crime Zero’ emergency button campaign at the PTT oil station on Pheu Sawasdikarn Vibhavadi Rangsit Road in Bangkok.

The Crime Zero campaign will see the installation of emergency call buttons at 9 PTT oil stations during the initial pilot phase. Once the emergency button is pressed, siren alarms will go off, while visual records from closed circuit cameras and notifications via mobile phones will be sent to the police force.

This campaign aims to reduce criminal activity to zero percent, through suppression efforts, while the PTT will be shouldering all expenses for the installation of the emergency buttons.

The Metropolitan Police Bureau is set to expand this service’s coverage onto other PTT oil stations in the future.