House Secretariat schedules first NRC meeting on October 21


BANGKOK, 16 October 2014  The Secretariat of the House of Representatives has scheduled the first meeting of the National Reform Council on next Tuesday. 

According to House Secretary General Charae Panpruang, who acts as the Secretary General of the NRC, the first meeting of the reform council has been set on October 21 at the Parliament.

Mr. Charae said that the official invitation to the meeting has been issued to all NRC members.

At the meeting, all NRC members will start with the acknowledgement of the royal endorsement of their appointments to the council before taking an oath of allegiance and beginning the process to select a president and two vice presidents of the council.

For the NRC’s first meeting, the most senior member, Mr. Paron Israsena will perform the duty of the chairman while the meeting regulations of the National Legislative Assembly will be put to use until the drafting of the NRC’s own regulations is completed.