Devout Buddhists gather at funeral to commemorate passing of abbot


RANONG, 21 April 2014 — Tens of thousands of devout Buddhists have gathered together to commemorate the passing of a late abbot in Ranong province.

Supawachara Sakda, the Deputy Governor of Rayong Province, presided over the funeral of the revered abbot Phra Punyavuttho along with related governmental agencies. However, most of his followers refer to the abbot as Ajarn Kui, and his funeral was attended by thousands of devout Buddhist followers.

The great abbot passed away on January 2, 2014. He lived a long prosperous devout life of 88 years. Ajarn Kui, as people called him, was a well-respected and revered monk among many of his followers. Needless to say, his passing has been a great loss to all.

The requiem saw tens of thousands of grievers showing their gratitude and sadness at the loss of an important figure in Thailand’s Buddhist society. Other ceremonial activities included the donation of robes to the temple, including those from His Majesty the King.