Richardson by three at Pattavia


PSC Golf from Café Kronborg

Monday, July 4, Pattavia – Stableford

1st Dave Richardson (26) 33pts
2nd Ronnie Ratte (20) 30 points
3rd Walter Baechli (14) 30pts

Dave Richardson.
Dave Richardson.

Pattavia was the game on Monday, July 4, up Route 331 for less than an hour, a quick check-in and we were off the first tee 20 minutes early under sunny skies. The course was in fine condition with the greens a bit slower than normal.

The winner on the day was Dave Richardson with a modest 33 points while Ronnie Ratte rolled into second place on a count back over Walter Baechli in third, both with 30 points each.

Back in the clubhouse it was goodbye to Walter Baechli, off to Germany to do a bike trip to Switzerland.