Pedersen on top at Pattavia


Golf from Café Kronborg

Monday, Nov. 7, Pattavia – Stableford

A Flight (0-19)

1st Anders Pedersen (7) 38pts

2nd Arne Max Pedersen (17) 37pts

3rd Ronnie Ratte (19) 33pts

4th Lotte Boskov (19) 32pts

B Flight (20+)

1st Elias Magnusson (23) 30pts

2nd Kai Aabling (22) 30pts

3rd Steen Habersaat (23) 30pts

4th Jan Lovgreen (22) 26pts

Near Pin: #13 Lotte Boskov

Long Putt: #18 John Costello

Kai Aabling and Henning Olsen with Dave Richardson.
Kai Aabling and Henning Olsen with Dave Richardson.

We were off the first tee at Pattavia 15 minutes early under partly cloudy skies and in very hot conditions with some rain at the very end.  The course as always was in very good shape.

We had two flights today with the cut at handicap 19 and 2 technical prizes to shoot for.  The A Flight was won by Anders Pedersen with a fine 38 points, Arne Max Pedersen took second with 37, Ronnie Ratte was third on 33 points and Lotte Boskov was a further point back in fourth.

In the B Flight we had a three-way count back on 30 points that saw Elias Magnusson take first ahead of Kai Aabling and Steen Habersaat.  Jan Lovgreen completed the podium in fourth with 26 points.

Friday, Nov. 11, Crystal Bay B & C – Stableford

A Flight (0-19)

1st Henning Olsen (17) 36pts

2nd Ronnie Ratte (19) 34pts

3rd Takeshi Hakozaki (14) 33pts

B Flight (20+)

1st Kai Aabling (22) 29pts

2nd Jan Lovgreen (22) 29pts

3rd Steen Habersaat (23) 27pts

Near Pin: B4 Bridgit Mortensen

Long Putt: B9 Dave Richardson

Crystal Bay was the game today and we got off C1 on time under sunny skies.  The course was in good condition and it looks like some money has been infused with the addition of some new golf carts.

Henning Olsen won the A Flight with the best score of the day, 36 points, while Ronnie Ratte came second with 34 points and Takeshi Hakozaki third with 33.

Kai Aabling was top in B Flight on a count back from Jan Lovgreen, both with 29 points each, and Steen Habersaat took third with 27.