Paddy comes good at Emerald


PSC Golf from Siam Country Resort

Tuesday, Sept. 3, Pleasant Valley – Stableford

We travelled to Pleasant Valley on Tuesday where we played from the blue tees at about 6300 yards.  Teeing off on Hole #10, we found the grass on the greens on this nine to be a little on the long side, while the front nine were running faster and truer.  

Overall the course looked a picture, with the weather combining to make for a good day of golf.

Paddy Devereux.Paddy Devereux.

Best of the day was Martin Hayes (13) who scored 36 points, closely followed by Willem Lasonder (21) with 35.  Near pins went to Owen, Jeff & Martin with 2.

Thursday, Sept. 5, The Emerald – Stableford

The Emerald was our venue for Thursday, playing from the white tees at a tad over 6000 yards.  Paddy Devereux (25) found some form today to record a well compiled 39 points after getting away to a flying start.  Jonathan Pratt (11) who has been finding ways to lose a good score of late, kept his round together to sign for 37 points and a runner-up finish.  Near pins went to Jeff, Willem & Brian.

Note:  Siam Country Resort, Restaurant & Bar is located just off Siam Country Club Rd, after going under the arch past the 7/11, turn right after 50 metres, with the venue on the left another 200 metres along.  Golf from here is generally played on Tuesday & Thursday, with the Resort hosting prompt presentations on both days.  As a PSC affiliated venue we welcome ALL golfers, including ladies & seniors who have opted for the “Silver” tee option.  Call 089 094 1841 for scheduling or enquiries.  Hope to see you there, cheers & good golfing!