Fred Lands the pot yet again


PSC golf from the Fairways Golf Society

Tuesday, August 2, Siam Country Club

Although it is a lot more expensive than most of the courses around here it is well worth the short journey to play here every once in a while. As usual the course was in pristine condition and we got of spot on time. Everything was run in military fashion with the marshals making sure nobody fell too far behind.

So we had a nice clear round that took only 3 & 3/4 hrs instead of the usual 4 to 5 hrs. And we would have finished even earlier if you did not have to have a compulsory golf cart and then not be allowed to take it on the fairways. As so much time is wasted waiting for the caddies to bring you the right club from the golf paths or sending them back to get another club.

Brian & Ning Neal. Brian & Ning Neal.

Anyway, on to the golf and yet again that man Fred Land was the only player to play under par, beating Scott the pro by six strokes. I just don’t know what’s happening with the handicapper at the U.S.G.A. as we have put all Fred’s cards in with half a dozen of them being well under par in the last three weeks. Yet he has only been cut point one of a shot. We have now took matters into our own hands and drastically cut him for our own tournaments until the handicapper sorts it out. And like a true gentleman Fred totally agrees with our decision.

Near pin winners today were: Nicky Clow, Fred Land, Mark Slinn & Andy Mills. Today we experimented and changed the format to just one division with five places and this is how it turned out:

1st Fred Land (15) 40pts

2nd Scott Dobbins (0) 34pts

3rd On Soduk (22) 33pts

4th Tony Duthie (21) 32pts

5th Jon Lay (7) 31pts

Thursday, August 4th, Pleasant valley

Yet another keep it in the family day out with Bryan Neal for once beating his lovely wife Ning to finish in first place. Second place was decided on count back with Ryan McGregor losing out to Ning 19 – 17.

Fred Land with just some of his many prizes in the last three weeks. Fred Land with just some of his many prizes in the last three weeks.

And just to rub salt into the wounds of the other golfers, Ning had three near pins whilst her hubby took the other one. So it really was a family day out.

1st Bryan Neal (20) 38pts

2nd Ning Neal (16) 35pts

3rd Ryan McGregor (13) 35pts

Note: The Fairways is situated at the top of Pattaya Klang on Sukhumvit Road and anyone wishing to play with us can call into the clubhouse and put their names down on the lists provided, or Call Scott on 084 389 2379. Breakfast and transport provided if required.