Craigie conjures the magic at Emerald


PSC Golf from The Billabong Golf Bar

Wednesday, Jan. 7, Green Valley – Stableford

Green Valley for our weekly fix on a great course, and with 40 players we got off a bit early and were all away by about 10.15 a.m.  The pace of play was really good and we were finished in just on 4 hours.  It was a bit hot out there in places and for this time of year very unseasonable. 

We gave welcomes to Dave Driscoll, Vic Woolton, Chris Smith and Tom Littman. There were some good scores in, with shooting your handicap not even getting a mention.  There was a four-way count back on 37 points that saw Sell Wegner getting 5th place after having a mean back nine with 14 points but the front nine was a beauty, shooting 23.  Coming in 4th was Bob Finley with 18 on the back, third went to Chris Smith, playing off his 1 handicap and shooting 20 on the back nine, that’s 2 under off the stick!  Second went to Sa with 22 on the back for her 37 and in first place was Kevin Hamilton with 39 points.

There were six ‘2’s, coming from Auke, Dave Driscoll, William Macey, Gerry Roche and two from Bob Philp.

Friday, Jan. 9, The Emerald – Stableford

The Emerald was the venue on Friday and the wind was blowing a gale, this course is hard enough without that.  We had seven groups playing with only six groups booked, our thanks to Candy and her staff for accommodating us as the course was full.

Joanne Kent, Hayden Kent, Karen Craigie and Glyn Davies.Joanne Kent, Hayden Kent, Karen Craigie and Glyn Davies.

Emerald was in great condition with the greens being very tricky; there were moans of three putts from all the players apart from Karen Craigie.

We welcomed some friends from Christchurch NZ today and also wished them well for their flight home on Saturday.  We also had Brent Philp, my Canadian cousin, over for a game with us and with him being a trained athlete he walked the course.

Kevin Hamilton with Chris Smith and Sa.Kevin Hamilton with Chris Smith and Sa.

The scores were a bit rough apart from two players who must have putted on different greens from the rest of us.  There was a count back for third between Chris Dodd and Hayden Kent, our NZ visitor, with Hayden taking third and Chris being relegated to fourth, both with 32 points each.  Second went to Glyn Davies with 35 points, and I think about the only time he has been in the prizes, first place was taken by Karen Craigie with a magic 38 points – a great round indeed.

There were two ‘2’s, coming from Clive Bruce and Joanne Kent.

Note: The Billabong is situated just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.  Give Bob a call on 082 204 3411.