A Greek odyessy


The Backyard Golf Society

After a couple of months without reports the Backyard Boys are back in print again.  The low attendance at our regular games and the general lack of non-golfing items to describe resulted in the recent demise of the weekly rant but last Friday’s game at Emerald saw a better turn-out and choice of items to lighten the mood.

The winner was Stitches Morgan, our only remaining, regular silver-tee participant.  Near-pin (which is now rotated through all 4 of the par 3s) was won by Irish John, aka The Diplomat.  A seat at the U.N. Secretary General’s desk is no doubt being kept warm until Irish assumes the role.

The skins were dominated by the returning (obviously from grazing a rich meadow down in Aussie) Khun Watthathwat.  The Diplomat won 3 while there were 2 each to The Victorian and The Quiet Man and singles to The Alchemist and a new player, Jason of The Argonauts.

With Who Brought Him crying off because someone else had a sore hip (sympathy pain?), The Baker suffering from gout and several others bailing out to join other groups we were glad to welcome Jason of The Argonauts and his mate Tony “Stainless” Steele to the ranks.  Jasons’s stunning 4 points on the front 9 had some asking if we need to have a tee even closer to the green than the silvers but he did redeem himself somewhat on the back.  One can only hope that the boys in brown do not prosecute him for a numbers of slashed car tyres down B.C. way so he can play with The Lads again next week.