UK football coach donates kit to Thai children


A coach from a children’s football club in Southwest London has donated his team’s football kit to former street kids in Thailand.

Adam Thornton, Club Welfare Officer at Battersea-based BedHead FC, visited the Father Ray Foundation in Pattaya on Saturday 6 April where he gave out the team’s kit to children looked after by the Foundation’s Children’s Home. The Children’s Home is one of many projects supported by Thai Children’s Trust UK, the largest UK charity focusing solely on providing help to disadvantaged youngsters in Thailand.

Adam, 40, says, “The visit was a memorable experience, I gave out the kits and the children were genuinely pleased to receive them. I also attended the Foundation’s football competition the following day and was delighted when they won the final on penalties.”

Adam Thornton, Club Welfare Officer at Battersea-based BedHead FC, gave out the team’s kit to children looked after by the Foundation’s Children’s Home.Adam Thornton, Club Welfare Officer at Battersea-based BedHead FC, gave out the team’s kit to children looked after by the Foundation’s Children’s Home.

Adam, who until recently lived in Chelsea, is now resident in Thailand having taken up a post teaching English to children in Bangkok but will continue his work for BedHead FC while abroad.

BedHead FC is run by the Guy Mascolo Football Charity whose founder also co-founded the international hair salon chain Toni & Guy.

For more information about Thai Children’s Trust and the Father Ray Foundation please visit www.