Superheroes and Villains enjoy Book Day!

Wonder Woman and other superheroes made an appearance at GIS.
Wonder Woman and other superheroes made an appearance at GIS.

A Book Fair at Garden International School (GIS) sparked lots of discussions between students about their favourite genres and authors. There was a great selection of books displayed in the Primary atrium over the four-day fair.

Book Day got off to a great start with parades in Primary and Foundation. A whole range of heroes and villains from literature took part, from Florence Nightingale to Spiderman. The day came to an entertaining end with Year 6 students performing a story that had been written by all of the other Primary classes over the course of the day.

Well done to library manager Chon for organising the book fair along with Kinokuniya, and to Mr Paul for organising the Primary Book Day. GIS is based in Ban Chang near Pattaya.

A parade of the superheroes was colourful and fun.
A parade of the superheroes was colourful and fun.
Superheroes enjoyed the book day.
Superheroes enjoyed the book day.
Batman, Superman and Spiderman all took part in the book day.
Batman, Superman and Spiderman all took part in the book day.