Diwali celebrated at GIS


Diwali was celebrated at Garden International School (GIS) with a special whole school assembly.

The ‘festival of light’ saw dozens of students dress up and perform traditional Indian dances and songs. The event was organised almost entirely by the students themselves, a great sign of how organised and creative the GIS students are.

Before the show, students painted temporary henna tattoos and played traditional Indian games on the new hard court. Many thanks to Indorama for sponsoring our Diwali event.

Traditional Indian games were played as part of Diwali.
Traditional Indian games were played as part of Diwali.
There were some energetic solo performances during Diwali.
There were some energetic solo performances during Diwali.
Students painted temporary henna tattoos with traditional designs.
Students painted temporary henna tattoos with traditional designs.
Primary students worked hard to prepare for their Diwali dance.
Primary students worked hard to prepare for their Diwali dance.
Two IB students from GIS dance at Diwali.
Two IB students from GIS dance at Diwali.
Many of the IB students from GIS took part in a performance.
Many of the IB students from GIS took part in a performance.
Diwali was celebrated with some great dances.
Diwali was celebrated with some great dances.
