Train-track roads derailed by heavy traffic


The idea that Pattaya’s railway roads are quick routes across the city has left the station.

Once just dusty roads on each side of the rail tracks in East Pattaya, the streets now are full of traffic lights, cars, motorbikes and heavy commercial trucks. Never mind that signs clearly state heavy vehicles are prohibited. Neither drivers nor traffic police seem to care.

The traffic quagmire that has swamped the railway roads, and all adjoining sois, is just one more example of the traffic chaos that faces Pattaya. The infrastructure has not been able to keep up with the building boom and population explosion here in Pattaya, with people relocating here from all part of Thailand, looking to seek their fortune.

The battle of wills is on - a van and a car push their luck, both drivers thinking that one would stop for another. But things went wrong at the Railway Road in Nernplabwan.The battle of wills is on – a van and a car push their luck, both drivers thinking that one would stop for another. But things went wrong at the Railway Road in Nernplabwan.

People get off of work at the same time. Pick up their school kids at the same time and everyone gets stuck in traffic at the same time, usually the morning and evening rush hours.

For a while, the rail route seemed immune from the congestion facing downtown. But people soon realized these routes connect the city north to south and, ever in search of a shortcut, drivers descended upon them. It’s a rush-hour shortcut no more.