Sattahip recruits 250 women to battle drugs

Sattahip has enlisted 250 women to battle the district’s drug problem at the grassroots level.
Sattahip has enlisted 250 women to battle the district’s drug problem at the grassroots level.

Sattahip has enlisted 250 women to battle the district’s drug problem at the grassroots level.

District Chief Anucha Intasorn opened the Sept. 5 training for the village health volunteers from Sattahip, Plutaluang, Samae San, Najomtien and Bang Saray with police officers, soldiers and Public Health Department staffers lecturing.

The district specifically recruited women as health volunteers as the key to their success is forging relationships with every household in their neighborhoods. Authorities believe women would have a better chance of forming a network that can be a “fence” against drug infiltration and spread in their communities, as they are expected to know each of their neighbors.

Having access to each home, they can not only monitor family situations, but suggest counseling or rehabilitation for drug users and educate families how to keep kids away from narcotics.