Sattahip gun-running suspect pleads innocence

District Chief Anucha Intasorn listens to Bell Samae San as he pleads his innocence.
District Chief Anucha Intasorn listens to Bell Samae San as he pleads his innocence.

The main suspect in a Sattahip gun-trafficking case appeared before authorities to insist that not only was he not fleeing Thailand as rumored, but that he didn’t commit the crime in the first place.

Danupol “Bell Samae San” Yommapong, accompanied by Pramote Towasakul, president of the Samae San Fishery Association, called on Sattahip District Chief Anucha Intasorn May 21 to plead his innocence.

Police are investigating whether Danupol’s name or signature was used to purchase 63 guns imported from neighboring countries. The gun licenses subsequently were canceled due to suspicions of fraud and Danupol said he was expecting police to show up at his door with an arrest warrant.

The suspect denied he had any involvement with the guns or the licenses and said rumors that he was about the flee the country were false.

Pramote said he was a longtime neighbor and friend of the suspect and vouched for his innocence, pledging to bail him out of jail should he be arrested.

The district chief thanked Pramote and Danupol for coming in and assured them the case would be prosecuted fairly. The district chief downplayed the seriousness of the peril Danupol is in, saying the case rests on only one piece of evidence which is being investigated.