Khao Chee Chan councilman dies in crash

Rescue workers use the ‘jaws of life’ to remove the driver’s body.
Rescue workers use the ‘jaws of life’ to remove the driver’s body.

A member of the Khao Chee Chan council died when he slammed his car into the back of a garbage truck in Najomtien.

Apichart Yartcharoen, 49, died instantly when his Isuzu Dragon crashed into a trash truck during a heavy rainstorm May 1. Rescuers had to cut his body out of the mangled vehicle.

Truck driver Sanoh Wong­lakorn said he had just left a gas station and was in the right-turn lane to make a U-turn when Apichart, moving at high speed, rear-ended him.

Sanoh was taken in for questioning until police could determine who was at fault in the deadly crash.