Would-be gold thief locked inside shop

Thana Insamran was arrested after he tried to rob the Mae Jarin gold shop, but was trapped inside by a quick thinking store clerk.
Thana Insamran was arrested after he tried to rob the Mae Jarin gold shop, but was trapped inside by a quick thinking store clerk.

A Surin mahout got locked inside the Sattahip gold shop he attempted to rob thanks to quick thinking by a store clerk.

Police showed up at the Mae Jarin gold shop Nov. 26 to find an angry Thana Insamran, 23, wearing a face mask and holding a knife, but trapped behind a metal-mesh door and safety glass. Officers spent about an hour calming the caged robber down before slapping on the handcuffs.

Clerk Rungnapa Panon, 25, who had escaped into a safe room in the back of the store, said staff thought Thana was a customer so they buzzed him into the shop only for him to appear with a balaclava over his face and waving a knife.

He demanded a five-baht-weight gold necklace while employees fled into the back and called police. Thana was left inside the locked shop with no way to get out.

Police said the elephant handler was a gambling addict and tried to rob the shop to pay off his debts.