Female fondling tiger testicles at Chiang Mai zoo causes uproar

A female hand cradles the testicles of a six-year old male tiger at Tiger Kingdom Mae Rim in Chiang Mai

A Chiang Mai zoo has reprimanded employees that allowed a Thai tourist to hold a tiger’s testicles for a social media photo.

Netizens erupted in anger at seeing the photos from Tiger Kingdom Mae Rim Chiang Mai showing a female hand cradling the testes of a 6-year-old male tiger and a caption that implied she had squeezed them.

Park officials insisted Aug. 29 that the woman did not squeeze the tiger’s sensitive genitals and at no time was the tiger harmed or the tourist in danger.

Nonetheless, park officials reprimanded the staff members who allowed the photo and said tourists in the future will not be allowed to touch an animal’s genitals.

A female tourist takes a selfie with a tiger while holding on to his testicles.
Two tigers minding their own business, probably thinking how the lady tourist would feel if they put their paws on her body parts.
Another mysterious female hand is seen touching a spotted tiger’s testicles.