The Thai Garden Resort treated its guests with a holiday concert by the Grand Opera Thailand.
The performers mingled with guests before setting up on the bridge over the swimming pool to sing out Christmas carols and arias Dec. 24.
About 300 people enjoyed the holiday event hosted by owners Gerrit and Anselma Niehaus, with German TV star Reiner Calmund and his family, and business tycoon Axel Brauer and partner Bo Songkram on hand.
The music didn’t stop during intermission, with the hotel filling the pool area with modern music during the break.
A huge buffet featured copious amounts of turkey and special desserts for the holiday.
Of course, Santa Claus had to visit the Thai Garden Resort on Christmas Eve, arriving Thai-style on the back of an elephant.
Ol’ St. Nick sat down by the Christmas tree to hand out presents to girls and boys, who also couldn’t get enough of the pachyderm.
…and more music to welcome the New Year

The last hours of the year passed quickly – maybe too fast for some of the art lovers who came to celebrate at the Thai Garden Resort, since members of the Grand Opera Bangkok performed again. The two stars of the show amongst others were founder Stefan Sanchez and pretty Pimluck with her outstanding voice who didn’t make it for Christmas. By the way Pimluck was in especially good mood since she celebrated her birthday on the first day of the New Year.
General Manager Rene Pisters welcomed all the guests personally from the pool-bridge and invited them to have dinner first before the shows started.

During dinner, which was again exceptional, the Thai Garden Trio entertained the guests before an award-winning Chinese acrobatic group thrilled the guests around the pool with their daring acrobatics.
After that, the long awaited opera singers entered the place and ravished the guests with great arias from well-known operas. It was again a grand eye and ear catcher. Stephan Sanchez, accompanied by his singers, sang until exactly 12 o’clock midnight and wished all a Happy New Year.
The guests raised their champagne glasses and wished each other lots of luck for the coming year.
Hotel owner Gerrit Niehaus and his beautiful wife Anselma and his friends also wished one and all a Happy New Year! Amongst them were again Reiner Calmund and his family, as well as famous soccer trainer Christoph Daum with his wife, musical singer Angelica Camm-Daum and their two children. Joining the fun were Maxi Bleyle and the publisher of famous German magazine, Feine Adressen, Christof R. Sage with his wife Bärbel, who distributed many pictures. The German honorary consul was present as well and not to forget, Axel Brauer with Bo.
Angelica Camm-Daum brought lots of special metal and water, and we all joined her in the old tradition of molybdomancy which showed each of us the future for the year to come.