US rules favourably for Thai frozen shrimp duties; more competition in view


BANGKOK, Sept 23 – The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) has ruled that subsidies for frozen warmwater shrimp from China, India, Malaysia, Vietnam and Ecuador have not materially injured the US industry, a senior Thai Commerce Ministry official said today.

Pranee Siripan, Foreign Trade Department director general, said the USITC announced on Friday that the imports of frozen shrimp from the five countries would continue without them having to be subject to countervailing duty determinations (CVD).

Thailand and Indonesia were cleared of a similar charge on August 19. Thai shrimp exporters can ask for a CVD refund plus 2.09 per cent interest it has posted since a preliminary investigation of the case in May.

She said the USITC decision would put Thailand on the same competitive level as other exporting countries, compelling Thai exporters to boost their efficiency in terms of quality and product diversity.