Tourist numbers in Thailand increase by 22.7% in July


BANGKOK, 15 August 2014  –The Department of Tourism has noted a trend towards a recovery in tourism arrivals in Thailand with tourist numbers increasing 22.7% in July.

The Director General of the Department of Tourism said the tourist numbers to Thailand in July 2014 had increased by 22.7%, or 1,914,582 arrivals, compared to the previous month, and brought into circulation about 89,816 million baht, which was a good trend towards recovery.

The number of tourists in Thailand in the first 7 months of the year from January to July 2014 reached 13,626,929, a reduction of 10.47% compared to the same time last year.

Visitor numbers from China decreased most with a 21.19% drop due to the political turmoil, while most tourists travelling to Thailand are Chinese, Malaysian, and Russians.