Superstore assures goods supply sufficiency


BANGKOK, Jan 13 – Big C, one of Thailand’s superstores, has reaffirmed there is a sufficient supply of consumer products available during the Bangkok shutdown, starting today.

Somchart Soithong, Internal Trade Department director general, said after inspecting a Big C outlet at Saphan Kwai yesterday that the store managers assured that it would have enough supplies to last a month.

He said shoppers normally buy products on a weekly basis.

He said the Commerce Ministry had earlier asked the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) to allow transport of goods to department stores to avoid supply shortages.

The PDRC agreed to cooperate, he said, calling on people to avoid hoarding goods to prevent shortage.

Apisit Pitiyanukroh, Big C senior manager for state relations, said outlets in the shutdown zones – Ratchdamri, Saphan Kwai and Rama IV – will be open as usual.