Govt sees growth potential in Thai food industry


BANGKOK, 1 November 2013, – The Commerce Ministry has assured that the government has a policy to boost the Thai food industry as it sees growth potential in the sector.

In a speech delivered at a food fair held at IMPACT, Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Phuangrach said the government is keen on pushing the Thai food industry forward, as it is the main industry that drives the country’s economic growth.

According to him, the value of Thailand’s food trade each year is estimated at around 2 trillion baht, 1 trillion of which comes from exports and the other trillion from domestic consumption. The government is also keen on making Thailand the world’s kitchen, he added.

The deputy minister also expected prices of food products to increase next year due to the decrease in raw materials and food supply caused by natural disasters. However, Mr. Yanyong said the government would not let the increasing food prices affect the country’s consumption.