Govt and TCC cooperate in bringing businesses to invest in far South


BANGKOK, 27 August 2013 The government and the Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC) are working together on the promotion of investment in the three southern border provinces, aiming to raise the quality of life for the locals. 

TCC Chairman Isara Vongkusolkit said the chamber of commerce had proposed collaborative work between the government and the private sector during their recent meeting. The government agreed with all projects suggested by the TCC, especially the project to promote investment by medium and large-sized businesses in the three southern border provinces as a way to increase employment and competitiveness of the residents.

The meeting also resolved to form two panels on economic issues. The first one will be responsible for developing guidelines to stabilize the baht while the second committee will survey demands for construction materials needed for the 2-trillion-baht infrastructure development mega projects of the government.