New prize fund at Isle of Man (IOM)


A new prize fund has been added to encourage more colleges and universities to enter the TT Zero races and hopefully join the TT Zero 100 Club introduced to recognize the first 100 mph laps by electric motorcycles.

The Isle of Man Government’s Department of Economic Development has confirmed that the ground-breaking TT Zero Clean Emissions Motorcycle Race will again take place on the Isle of Man in 2011 as part of the TT Races.  The race is now in its third year and is used by the Department as a showcase for the Isle of Man’s Clean Tech capabilities as well as encouraging enterprise and innovation.

Electric bike at the IOM Electric bike at the IOM

Allan Bell MHK, Minister, Department of Economic Development, commented, “Running the electric bike race as part of the TT Races has given us an excellent platform to demonstrate the Isle of Man’s clean tech capabilities.  This event continues to offer best in practice development and puts the island at the heart of innovative design and groundbreaking technology.”

The Department has also created a new ‘University Prize’ of £5,000, which will be awarded to the fastest University or College team as part of the 2011 Race.  University teams representing Kingston, Imperial and Brunel have already experienced the event and will be among the favorites for the prize.

The Isle of Man Government has also confirmed that there will be an iconic ‘100 Club’ set up for the first 10 teams who are able to record a 100 mph lap on an clean emissions bike.  Each of the ten will also receive an iconic limited edition replica trophy, designed by a local Manx artist.  Each of the trophies will be individually numbered.

It is not expected that all ten trophies will be given away in 2011.  To date no team has achieved the landmark time around the almost 38 mile (60 km) course, with the current lap record holder for the class, last year’s winner, Moto Czysz, recording a winning time of 96.82 mph (23:22.89) average lap speed.  This means that the £10,000 prize on offer from the Isle of Man Government to the first team to record the prestigious mark is also still available in 2011.

The event has already attracted a number of individuals, universities and businesses worldwide and to date seven countries have been represented – UK, Isle of Man, USA, India, Germany, Austria and Sweden.  This year new countries and teams are expected to participate in the race, which will take place on Wednesday 8th June 2011.

Interest in the TT Zero clean emissions bike race is growing since the first race in 2009 and North One Television, who control the sales and distribution of the TT Races, has confirmed that this year the programming will include an in-depth analysis of the TT Zero race in their international highlights package which will go out on leading broadcasters worldwide.  The event has also attracted significant media coverage to date, both from core bike media as well as national, broadcast and specialist technology press worldwide.