Early Leonardo drawing to be shown in artist’s native Vinci


Milan (AP) – Leonardo da Vinci’s earliest-known drawing will go on display in the artist’s Tuscan hometown of Vinci in three years to mark the 500th anniversary of his death.

The Uffizi Gallery in Florence said it will loan the rarely displayed drawing, titled “Landscape Drawing for Santa Maria Della Nave,” to the Leonardiano Museum for five weeks beginning Aug. 5, 2019.

Leonardo da Vinci’s earliest known drawing titled “Landscape Drawing for Santa Maria Della Nave”. (Uffizi Gallery via AP)
Leonardo da Vinci’s earliest known drawing titled “Landscape Drawing for Santa Maria Della Nave”. (Uffizi Gallery via AP)

The detailed landscape of the Arno river valley and the Montelupo Castle is the first work by Leonardo to be dated — Aug. 5, 1473.

The drawing was last displayed in Milan in a Leonardo exhibit during the Expo 2015 world’s fair.  The delicate drawing cannot, as a rule, be shown more often than every four years.